Today’s learners need more than printouts and PowerPoint presentations. They need active, dynamic content that keeps them engaged. Make learning come alive with Sheel Technologies. Sheel Technologies undertake services to create animated training videos to support your training and Learning programs. Animated Training Video is an impressive catalyst for engagement in training and Learning programs. Studies have shown that adding video to your content can improve the ability to remember concepts and details, with effects that even increase over time. Plus, your audience prefers video over static content like slide decks and PDFs.

Make your training and learning program cost effective and efficient with Custom Animated Trainings Video. You no longer have to spend tons of Rupees to increase work productivity. With Animated Training Videos, your employees are likely to remember what they’ve learnt 9 times better than long-talks or full-of-text presentations.

Visitor Induction English

Visitor Induction Hindi


Learning from past accidents is very important for all industries and organizations. We all know that accidents can happen anywhere – in our homes, in our workplaces, while riding cars/bikes on the roads, on playgrounds, in boats, trains, buses, etc. An accident can be caused by human activities or by natural disasters such as floods, tsunamis, earthquakes also. The common feature for all accidents is that they are unwanted, and they can’t be avoided all time. We cannot avoid all accidents, but we ought to try. The best way to prevent it from happening again in the future is to learn from the accident.

Sheel Technologies have prepared a series of lesson learned videos in English and Hindi languages covering a snapshot of past accidents and then its preventive measures to avoid the similar accident in future. These lesson learned can be customized with the addition of organization logo and organization name

Lesson-Learned-Videos English

Lesson-Learned-Videos Hindi